Slowbriety - A Discussion Meeting is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting that focuses on a study of the book Alcoholics Anonymous (known as the "big book" to AA members). It's less of a meeting and more of a study group.
We read and discuss the Big Book slowly, paragraph by paragraph.
We meet Thursdays and Sundays at 5:00 PM Mountain Time (US) (4:00 PM Pacific, 7:00 PM Eastern Time) (GMT-6 Summer, GMT-7 Winter)
Please join us!
Zoom info: 979 327 0824 (Passcode: 505505)
7th tradition information: – SF Central Office
Venmo: @centralofficesf
By mail: Central Office of Santa Fe | PO Box 6456 | Santa Fe, NM 87505 USA
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Why read slowly? Here is a link to a personal essay by Laura Spence-Ash which perfectly captures the exercise.
We find that when we read - and discuss - the big book, we are able to capture the nuances of the words and share in each other's experiences.